You want to be smart about how you handle your money, right? With elements® at Tendto Credit Union, we can help you do just that! If you’re between the ages of 13 and 17 and want to start saving money, build your credit history, and have access to your account 24/7 – then elements® is for you! You can open saving and checking accounts, apply for a Mastercard® debit or credit card (when you’re ready – of course), manage all of your accounts online, and so much more! We’re here to help guide you on learning smart money habits with services and products designed especially for teens, so don’t hesitate – join today!

Be sure to bring your social security card and $5.00 with you when you open your account.  If you have a valid photo ID (i.e.: School ID, Learner’s Permit, Driver’s License) bring that too! A parent/guardian is required to be a joint owner on the account.

Learn more here.