With KCCU’s elements program you have the ability to take control of your money with convenient services like:
- online banking and bill pay
- mobile and text banking
- iPhone and Android apps
- mobile deposit
- Popmoney
Savings Account
This free savings account is required to establish KCCU membership. All you need is $5.00 to open it!
Checking Account
An elements Checking Account can be opened with a parent’s joint signature.
- use your debit card for purchases
- access to over 30,000 ATMs nationwide
- enroll in Debit Card Round Up – an easy way to build your savings!
Start establishing good credit with a loan from KCCU (with a parent’s joint signature*). We offer:
- checking line-of-credit
- VISA Platinum Credit Cards
- car loans
- signature loans
Take advantage of these discounts and have fun while saving a few dollars:
- Cedar Point tickets
- Sprint
- The Mitten – a coupon app
- and more!
Your savings federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government. National Credit Union Administration, a U.S. Government Agency